Archive 2021



GBG Mime Explosion -Led by Ika Nord

We are celebrating the spontaneity, audacity and fearlessness that are found in short, surprising acts in our GBG Mime Explosion at Stora Teatern!

This year led by the marvellous Ika Nord.


Teatr Novogo Fronta - Passing (CZ)

Through movement, music and light Irina Andreeva expresses intense mood changes that take part in development of a human’s stratified personality through the force of the impact on humans and timing in the context of human’s life.


Drama Sound City is a bridge between performance art and electro music, starting from the suggestions gathered in the city suburbs. A visionary event addressed to a wide-ranging audience.

Photo: Iraqi Bodies
Iraqi Bodies - PITY: Part 5

Iraqi Bodies presents the latest part of their PITY pentalogy where an encounter with Desdemona’s perplexed father–Brabantio–is examined.


Photo: Lukaz Areski
Compagnie Areski- Millefeuilles (FR)

Tender and absurd stories about loneliness and the power of imagination.
In a world where every element is pop-up, silhouettes and sets are manipulated in stop motion, reserving many surprises, for both children and adults.

Photo: Bengt Löfgren
Teater tilt - siv och sam (swe)

In and out
Back and forth
Here, and there, again!

A non-verbal mime performance about friendship.
On the difficult yet beautiful challenge of playing with one another.


Photo: Jonas Jörneberg
Departure - The graduating students in Mime-Acting at the Stockholm University of the Arts

Welcome to Departure–a host of performances that will shed a light upon the minds and bodies of Sweden’s next generation of mime artists!


Nola Portrait 1
Broaden Your Mime with Nola Rae

Mimes are the cartoonists of theatre.

In these workshops the “fourth wall” disappears, emotions are projected outwards and quirky ingenious ideas of performance, explored.

BODYMIND GAME–physical acting workshop with Irina Andreeva/Teatr Novogo Fronta

During the workshop, we will focus on developing the hidden connectivity options of mental imagination and physical movement. The workshop participants will learn how to use the human ability to create a mental image that affects the way the body exists–and vice versa–practicing physical exercises affecting the state of soul and mind.

Photo: Anna Ukkonen
Skapa scener utan ord

Those who attend the workshop will get to try to create scenes based on the movement’s own possibilities and perhaps also according to themes that we choose together. The workshop gives an idea of ​​what the education in mime acting offers, especially in scenic portrayal and performance creation.
No direct prior knowledge required.

Kathleen Quinlan
Kathleen Quinlan - Morning Session

Isadora Duncan (1877-1927 ) had a vision of the new dance and the Dancer of the future being of the freest body and the highest intelligence . She was called the Mother of Modern Dance and fought for the rights of women.
This workshop will focus on Isadora ́s philosophies as well as her technique and original repertory.


Photo: Anna Ukkonen
Conversations on movement based art – the dialogue

Masthuggsteatern’s five-year research project “Rörelsen” welcomes you to a conversation between performers, choreographers and movement based directors. The conversation focuses on positive experiences of making art in the rehearsal process, and the dialogue between those on stage and those off stage.