Two years after its first appearance onto the festival scene of Gothenburg we are proud to present the third edition of GBG Mime Fest! The festival has rapidly grown since its inception giving us the greatest pleasure to declare that the festival is now truly international. Our stages this year are Stora Teatern, Göteborgs Stadsteater and Teater Aftonstjärnan. Out of the twelve invited artists and companies four are based in Sweden. This year you are all invited to experience radically different ‘mime universes’ from the UK, Spain, Ukraine, Poland and of course Sweden! Finding its main strength in the various expressions of mime we have sought to compose a program that celebrates the multiplicity of traditions found throughout the practices of mimes and mime companies. By refusing to pigeonhole what mime is the festival has no specific theme. Instead our aim has been to raise the question what mime is and could be in the 21st century. We don’t guarantee any answers but open the doors to this year’s festival for you to find out for yourselves! In addition to the performances the festival offers talks on the latest research in physical theatre, movement and philosophy studies. Master classes will be offered for professionals by legendary clown Nola Rae and renowned director Jakop Ahlbom. For those curious about what mime is workshops will be given for both adults and children by invited guest teachers.

Den 2-4 November slår vi upp portarna till den andra upplagan av GBG Mime Fest. I år på den otroligt vackra Teater Aftonstjärnan. Vi välkomnar er till en festival där rörelsen och det fysiska berättandet står i fokus. Årest 11 föreställningar bjuder på intimitet, komik, teknisk skicklighet, fjädrar, visuell poesi, kroppar, lust, slapstick och mycket mer. Några är för barn, andra är barnförbjudna. Några helt utan ord, andra fulla av ord. Denna gång har vi även glädjen att presentera tre internationella akter! En fullspäckad helg med workshop, föreläsningar, livemusik och en massa gött häng. Välkomna!

November 2017 öppnades portarna till den första upplagan av GBG Mime Fest. En nationell festival för att belysa mimen och den fysiskt talande skådespelaren. Med sex huvudakter, mellanakter och samtal bjöd vi in liten, stor, ovan och van för att visa på den bredd och kraft som mimen besitter. På scen kunde vi se Teater Pero, Ika Nord, Teater Tre och många fler. Förutom föreställningar fanns det möjlighet att träffa mimskådespelarutbildningen vid Stockholms Dramatiska Högskola och se deras arbete, lyssna till musik och mötas. Grunden till en mimplattform i Göteborg är sådd!

GBG Mime Fest has actively been working to cement the presence of high-quality, international, movement based theatre in Sweden and Gothenburg since its inception in 2017. Although last year sadly saw the postponement of the festival we are thrilled to finally be able to offer an exciting program of home-grown talent as well as international gems to the audience of Gothenburg! Our stages this year are Masthuggsteatern, Cinnober, Teater Trixter and GEST–Gothenburg English Studio Theatre. In addition, we will present our highly anticipated evening of shorter acts–GBG Mime Explosion–at Stora Teatern, this year hosted by the marvellous Ika Nord.
This year’s selected performances–in their own unique fashion–negotiates the phenomenon of time passing, humanity’s relationship to that passing and the sense of powerlessness that comes with the realization that our precious lives are not eternal. Using (and abusing!) the elements of tragedy, comedy, speech, movement and object manipulation our invited artists from Sweden, Italy, Czech Republic/Russia and France present us with the opportunity to ask the most fundamental questions of what it is to be human–once again collectively in the theatre!
New to the festival is our honing in on the expanding field of mime artists resident in Sweden by inviting the graduating students of Mime-Acting at The Stockholm University of the Arts to present their highly personal solos/monologues. Grab the chance to discover what is currently simmering in the minds and bodies of these young mime-artists!
The festival will also continue to host talks, seminars, and masterclasses–this year by renowned mime and clown Nola Rae as well as director Irina Andreeva–and offer introductory mime classes.
We cannot wait to meet!

Welcome to GBG Mime Fest 202
We are thrilled to invite you to the 5th edition of GBG Mime Fest. This year’s festival offers audience members of all ages a range of unique experiences from a multitude of mime expressions from Swedish, Dutch, Swiss and Spanish artists and companies.
During the 5-day festival poetic, comic and experimental performances with outstanding mime-actors will be presented alongside an extensive program of workshops, talks and film including the first-ever feature documentary about the life of legendary French mime Marcel Marceau.
The opening performance of the festival is by renowned Amsterdam-based Jakop Ahlbom Company with the performance Lebensraum. A thrilling foray into a bizarre Keatonesque world accompanied by live music on stage.
Our stages this year
Göteborgs Stadsteater Lilla Scen, Stora Teatern and Aftonstjärnan.

GBG Mime Fest has actively been working to cement the presence of high-quality, international, movement based theatre in Sweden and Gothenburg since its inception in 2017. Although last year sadly saw the postponement of the festival we are thrilled to finally be able to offer an exciting program of home-grown talent as well as international gems to the audience of Gothenburg! Our stages this year are Masthuggsteatern, Cinnober, Teater Trixter and GEST–Gothenburg English Studio Theatre. In addition, we will present our highly anticipated evening of shorter acts–GBG Mime Explosion–at Stora Teatern, this year hosted by the marvellous Ika Nord.
This year’s selected performances–in their own unique fashion–negotiates the phenomenon of time passing, humanity’s relationship to that passing and the sense of powerlessness that comes with the realization that our precious lives are not eternal. Using (and abusing!) the elements of tragedy, comedy, speech, movement and object manipulation our invited artists from Sweden, Italy, Czech Republic/Russia and France present us with the opportunity to ask the most fundamental questions of what it is to be human–once again collectively in the theatre!
New to the festival is our honing in on the expanding field of mime artists resident in Sweden by inviting the graduating students of Mime-Acting at The Stockholm University of the Arts to present their highly personal solos/monologues. Grab the chance to discover what is currently simmering in the minds and bodies of these young mime-artists!
The festival will also continue to host talks, seminars, and masterclasses–this year by renowned mime and clown Nola Rae as well as director Irina Andreeva–and offer introductory mime classes.
We cannot wait to meet!