Kathleen Quinlan - Morning Session
Venue: Masthuggsteatern Göteborg
27 November 09:30-11:00
28 November 09:30-11:00
In collaboration with TeaterAlliansen
Free but booking required
Sign up here
Isadora Duncan (1877-1927 ) had a vision of the new dance and the Dancer of the future being of the freest body and the highest intelligence . She was called the Mother of Modern Dance and fought for the rights of women.
This workshop will focus on Isadora ́s philosophies as well as her technique and original repertory.
BODYMIND GAME–physical acting workshop with Irina Andreeva/Teatr Novogo Fronta
Venue: Danscentrum Väst
30 November
In collaboration with Danscentum Väst
Fee: 300 SEK
During the workshop, we will focus on developing the hidden connectivity options of mental imagination and physical movement. The workshop participants will learn how to use the human ability to create a mental image that affects the way the body exists–and vice versa–practicing physical exercises affecting the state of soul and mind.
Broaden Your Mime with Nola Rae
Venue: Danscentrum Väst
27-28 November
In collaboration with Danscentum Väst
Fee: 700 SEK
Mimes are the cartoonists of theatre.
In these workshops the “fourth wall” disappears, emotions are projected outwards and quirky ingenious ideas of performance, explored.
Skapa scener utan ord
Venue: Masthuggsteatern
27 November
In collaboration with Stockholm University of the Arts
Fee: 100 SEK
Sign up here
Those who attend the workshop will get to try to create scenes based on the movement’s own possibilities and perhaps also according to themes that we choose together. The workshop gives an idea of what the education in mime acting offers, especially in scenic portrayal and performance creation.
No direct prior knowledge required.