Mime wave -home (NL)

Venue: Göteborgs Stadsteater
Time: 6 October: 10.00-10.50
Get your tickets here

A compelling story about losing one’s home – and finding a new one!

A family performance for children between 2-8 years, and their adults.

Through animated paintings and complementary music, children are submerged in a fairytale-like world. They meet Anastasiia and her dog Djonnik.

When a storm swallows up their house, they have to look for a new one. A house where they can feel at home again.
During their journey through many different landscapes, they meet all kinds of animals. Could they live with one of their animal friends?
The giraffe’s home is much too big, the penguin’s house is much too cold, but they do not give up!
Finally, they find a house where they feel at home. Do you want to know how? Come and travel along with Anastasiia and Djonnik. Together you will discover their new home!

This production is inspired by creator Anastasiia Liubchenko’s personal story. She left her house in Ukraine to find a new home in the Netherlands. After the show, the children from the audience are invited to draw their own dream homes on stage.

concept, director: anastasiia liubchenko
illustrator: anastasiia liubchenko
composer and sounddesigner: thijs felperlaan
financial director: thijs felperlaan
animator: natalka skryabina
performer: anastasiia liubchenko, anne hofman or kamee frieling
costumes: jookje zweedijk
end director:sanne zweye
photo’s :hans boddeke
production leader: eva kijlstra
produced by: mime wave

En berättelse om att förlora sitt hem – och hitta ett nytt!

En familjeföreställning för barn mellan 2 och 8 år, och deras vuxna.

Följ med på en resa genom en sagolik värld tillsammans med Anastassia och hunden Djonnik. Efter att ha förlorat sitt hem i stormen ger de sig ut i världen på jakt efter ett nytt. På sin färd lär de känna flera olika djur – kanske kan de bo hos en av dem? Men vilket hus känns mest som hemma?

Föreställningen är inspirerad av skaparen Anastassia Liubchenkos personliga berättelse, då hon själv lämnade sitt hem i Ukraina för att bosätta sig i Nederländerna. Efter föreställningen får barnen i publiken möjlighet att komma upp på scen och rita sina egna drömhem.

Photo: Hans Boddeke

Mime Wave

Anastasiia Liubchenko together with Thijs Felperlaan are the driving force behind Mime Wave.

Anastasiia studied pantomime and animation directing in Kyiv and later mime at the AHK Theater School in Amsterdam. She has participated in many productions for children and adults both as a performer and as artistic leader and she is also a keen painter. Her interest in the visual often shines through in her stage works. Yellow, for example, was inspired by the shades of this colour that Vincent van Gogh used in his paintings.
Anastasiia’s own paintings and her theatre productions are full of imagination, humour and a wish to put things into perspective, often touching on social issues and the strong emotions they involve.

Mime Wave – Homepage

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