The material world surrounds us and undoubtedly affects our state. And what happen, if you imagine your feelings that are living inside and affecting what surrounds us? Yes, it’s not a material world, it’s a world of thoughts and ideas.
Everything that embarrasses a person inside – he creates himself, and whether to get rid of it – he decides himself. Everyone has to go through an easy way to search for themselves in this world, but before trying to make this step in real life, we must go all the way inside ourselves.

Graduates of the Ukrainian Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. Mime captivated us with its infinite and versatile variety of means and techniques of expression. With these tools, each of us have the opportunity to bring to the stage a kind of vision of the world. Each of us have a pantomime technique and a similar mindset, but each one have inherent qualities that complement our shared creativity.
We easily feel, understand each other and have the desire to take Pantomime art to the next level – all of which encourages US to unite and go together for one goal.