Masterclass description:
Corporeal mime is a narrative theatrical art form, where the body of the performer is the main
instrument of communication, a universal language free from barriers.
In the words of Richard McDonald
“the mime combines the agility of a dancer, the subtle perception of an actor and the gentle mood of a clown”.
The principles of corporeal mime serve as a key for the creator, opening doors to a world
which allows you to show emotions and thoughts in a highly stylised manner. This multiplies
the possibilities of the artist who can create more freely and realise his imagination with
greater clarity.
The participants of the workshop will work with some of the basic principles of the grammar in corporeal mime by Etienne Decroux, such as: articulation of body parts and movements, movement in various dimensions and with different rhythmic qualities, and the use of weight as a theatrical attribute. These are all put into dramatic context and demonstrated through
selected physical scores created by Etienne Decroux and other artists.

Born in Costa Rica in 1980, where he discovers a taste for the stage at the National Theatre Workshop. He obtained a degree in Speech Theater at the Royal College of Dramatic Art in Madrid.
After starting his career with the Contemporary Theatre Companie of Madrid XXI Century / Pro-RESAD, Giratablas, l ’Skene, Xavi Villena, National Theatre and other theater groups, Mai Rojas decides to extend their training in the specialty of physical theater at the Center for Training and Creation MOVEO of Barcelona.
He worked for the THEATRE DE L’ANGE FOU and graduated as a professional mime by the International School of Coporeal Mime in London. As performer of CIRQUE DU SOLEIL in severals productions, he use corporal mime tools to create their characters. Parallel to his career as a performer, Mai Rojas has performed as a workshop in schools in Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, England, Barcelona and Madrid.
Without ever neglecting his most personal and creative part in the production of his shows as a mime and director he founded in 2013 his own company THE SCUPLTORS OF THE AIR.