In collaboration with: Danscentrum Väst
In Jakop Ahlbom’s master class at GBG Mime Fest he will use the methods he applies in working with his performers during the process of creation.

For whom: You have a background and experience in theatre or dance and you are interested in improving your skills in physical theatre. You will learn systems to create unexpected new material in a very short time. The exercises focus on developing physical awareness, sensibility and breaking down patterns and habits that enable discovering new ways of moving. You will be working from improvisation to create and structure new material and experience how Jakop works with the environment, set and available props and furniture. You will learn how to translate different emotions and dramatic intentions into theatrical scenes and physical movement.
Working in groups, Jakop will show how small changes can have a huge impact in the meaning and experience of a situation.

The masterclass is open for professional mimes, actors, circus artists, dancers and performers. Please note: minimum 3-years vocational training (B.A. or equivalent) or 5 years of working professionally on-stage.
To apply send your name and a few lines about your artistic practice to workshop@gbgmimefest.se
Write Jakop Ahlbom in the subject line
We will accept participants on a first come first served basis, so don´t hesitate to apply.


Jakop Ahlbom was born in Sweden in 1971. In the early 1990s he moved to the Netherlands where he studied Mime at the Amsterdam School of the Arts.
Upon his graduation in 1998 he was presented with the Top Naeff award for the most promising student. His gift for choreography had been noticed and so had his poeticism and his ability to get his cast to unleash their energy, bravado and physicality.

The award jury described him as an eager, outstanding and exuberant talent.
After graduating he worked with a variety of theatre makers as a performer, choreographer and director. In 2000 he started working on his own, idiosyncratic oeuvre. To get an idea of his master class please please look at the video documentation of parts of his 5 day master class held last year at the Venice Biennale: