GBG Mime Explosion -Led by Ika Nord

29 November
Venue: Stora Teatern
Buy tickets here

GBG Mime Fest vill hylla det djärva och poetiska som man kan finna i mimkonstens tradition av kortare nummer. Dessa korta akter (sällan längre än femton minuter), utgör alltsedan det antika Grekland, via vaudevillens glansdagar och fram till nu, en viktig del av den fysiska teaterns historia.
Festivalens general Hilda Rydman och dess dramaturg Josephine Gray vill lyfta fram denna del av traditionen genom att bjuda publiken på en kavalkad av internationella artister och inspirerande nummer.

Kvällens konferencier är ingen mindre än Ika Nord.
Med omisskännlig stil och charm kommer hon att leda publiken genom denna exceptionella kväll.
Utöver en parad av löjliga kostymer kommer hon också bjuda publiken på några av sina absoluta favoritnummer.

Håll i hatten!
GBG Mime Explosion!


GBG Mime Fest wants to celebrate the spontaneity, audacity and poetry that are found in short, surprising acts in our GBG Mime Explosion.
This will be an evening in which you will enjoy a multitude of mime expressions from national and international artists!

GBG Mime Explosion highlights the tradition of mime that focuses on short acts / études. Tracing its history back to the pantomimes of Ancient Greece and Rome up to the vaudeville of the late 19th and 20th century, this tradition is a vital part of physical storytelling. Festival director Hilda Rydman and dramaturge Josephine Gray wish to dazzle the audience with this exclusive selection of inspiring acts. Be prepared to get blown away!

GBG Mime Explosion 2021 will be led by the beloved Ika Nord!
With her charisma and skills, silly costumes and graceful charm, Ika will guide the audience through this evening’s highest summits and profoundest depths as well as present some of her own favourite tricks!