The master class of Mr. Ostapczuk will present a variety of exercises divided into different categories. From basic for his teaching system logical combination of breath and movement in a non-verbal theater through its various forms which appeared in the last few decades, to the completely modern form of mime theatre. The idea is not to teach the style of singular creator, the goal is completely opposite. The basic principle which should govern mime theatre is a skilled combination of thoughts, emotions and actions.
By exploring specific exercises, we will aim to experience, feel and, as a result, to understand that. The classes also consist in analyzing movements, our emotional states and the way they are demonstrated.
These classes present the method of modern Mime / Pantomime acting, which allows the actor to present a clear stream of thought to an audience. Monologue, dialogue, message are then used as part of etudes and improvisation, where they develop realism and clarity of purpose.
In this 5-hour master class created especially for GBG Mime Fest we will find a space for poetry and comedy as well.

About Bartłomiej Ostapczuk:
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of his professional artistic activity this year, a mime artist,
a director, a scriptwriter and a teacher.
Since 2005, he has been Artistic Director of the International Mime Art Festival in Warsaw.
He is the originator and founder of the Warsaw Mime Center and Mimo Mime Theatre.
He has co-authored many projects and artistic productions related to pantomime, movement theatre and movies. He has been running the Mime Studio in Warsaw since 2004.
He is lecturer in pantomime in theatre schools in Poland and abroad.
Over the past 20 years, as an actor of director he has appeared in over 45 mime, non-verbal theater performances cooperating with wonderful theatre creators like Lionel Menard, Anton Adasinsky, Robert Wilson and many others. In 1998-2001, he was an actor at the Warsaw Mime Theatre. He has studied Mime Art in Poland, USA and Spain. He performed in theatres in Japan, Puerto Rico, the USA, the UK, Germany, China, Lithuania, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, South Korea, Sweden, Czech, Spain, Ukraine, Slovakia, New Zealand, Portugal, Luxemburg.
The masterclass is open for professional mimes, actors, circus artists, dancers and performers. Please note: minimum 3-years vocational training (B.A. or equivalent) or 5 years of working professionally on-stage.
To apply send your name and a few lines about your artistic practice to
Write Bartłomiej Ostapczuk – Mime in the subject line
We will accept participants on a first come first served basis, so don’t hesitate to apply.